Comments & Complaints

We try at all times to give you the highest standard of service, but we also realise that sometimes we make mistakes and sometimes we are simply not able to offer what our patients expect of us. All complaints are investigated and responded to in line with the NHS complaints procedure.


Where a patient complaint reveals a genuine fault on our part or suggests something that we could be doing better, we will always discuss it and take any appropriate measures to improve the way we work for the future.


At our Practice meetings we discuss and review any complaints received and make any changes to ensure we don't make the same mistakes again.

We are always pleased to receive letters of thanks or compliments from patients and these too are communicated to the whole Practice team.


You do not need to use an official form to make a complaint - you can write to the Practice Manager or ask for her to phone you to discuss your problem.


If you would like help to complain, you can contact the local Patient Advice & Liaison Service (PALS) :-

PALS and Complaints dedicated telephone line and email address;

Telephone: 0300 561 0250


9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday except Bank Holidays, with answerphone service out of hours



PALS will also give you details of the Independent Complaints Advocacy Service.

How to complain leaflet

How to make a complaint procedure

Complaint form

Consent form for someone to make a complaint on your behalf




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