Clinics & Services


An Asthma clinic is run by the Nursing Team at the Surgery.

Everyone with asthma or COPD should be reviewed at least once a year. On diagnosis all patients should have an extended review with the nurse and follow-up care will be shared by the Doctor and nurse. This is very important to check you are as well as you should be and to review your medication. Lung function testing (spirometry) is also available.

Chew Medical Practice have joined an inhaler recycling programme.  There is a recycling box located in the dispensary waiting room.  We hope you will support us in limiting the amount of waste sent to landfill and recycle your old inhalers.

Blood Pressure Management             

You may be asked to monitor your blood pressure at home as part of the assessment of possible Hypertension.

We will lend you a monitor so that you can check your blood pressure in a relaxed environment. You will be shown how to take and record your blood pressure measurement.  You can download a copy of the How to Measure your Blood Pressure form HERE 

Blood Tests       

Appointments for taking blood samples for testing can be made with our team of Phlebotomists and Healthcare Assistants

The time of day for these appointments will depend on the type of blood test required, and will be advised by our receptionists at time of booking.

Cervical Smears               

This is a simple painless test to detect cells on the neck of the womb which are treatable if dealt with early, but may turn into cancer cells if left untreated. You will be invited by letter for your smear, which will normally be done by one of our nurses. All women are recommended to have a test every 3 - 5 years (depending on age) from 25 years of age until aged 65.

Most women who have had a hysterectomy do not need routine smears. However please contact the nurse on an individual basis with enquiries.

Child Health Clinic         

Child Health clinics at the surgery are run by a GP with the support of a nurse. New mothers are invited to make an appointment for themselves and their baby for a post-natal check-up and baby health check 6-8 weeks after giving birth. If the baby is 8 weeks old, this appointment can be combined with the first childhood immunisations. The local team of Health Visitors provide other support on all aspects of child development. They are based at the Chew Valley Children’s Centre at Chew Valley School and can be contacted on  0300 247 0055.

Childhood Immunisation Programme

Click here for the recommended immunisation schedule 0 - 6 years

Click here for the recommended immunisation schedule 7 - 15 years 

Contraceptive Services

Chew Medical Practice offers a full range of contraceptive services including coil fitting, Mirena coils, contraceptive injections, implant insertion and removal, as well as oral contraceptive pills and emergency contraception.

Diabetic Clinic  

Everyone with diabetes should be reviewed regularly, usually by a nurse. To make the most of your appointment, please arrange to have blood tests taken two weeks before your diabetic clinic appointments so that the results are available for the nurse to see.  Click here to view an advice sheet for people with Type 2 Diabetes and High Blood Pressure.

For information and advice about diabetes and Coronavirus Click Here

Update added: 18.2.2021

A temporary diabetes helpline has been launched in response to disruption to normal diabetes services due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The helpline is for adults living with diabetes who use insulin to manage their condition and require clinical advice.

NHS Diabetes Advice helpline 0345 123 2399

Monday - Friday 9am - 6pm

Exercise and Fitness      

We believe exercise and fitness are very important for health and wellbeing. Exercise helps your heart, bones, joints and overall wellbeing. It also reduces stress, high blood pressure, diabetes, osteoporosis and cancer, and helps you lose weight. Exercise is fun and keeps you healthy.

If you would like help to motivate you to take exercise and lose weight, make an appointment with a healthcare assistant or a practice nurse. They can refer you to free or subsidised classes or individual support.

Leg Ulcer Clinic                

The Nursing Team offers comprehensive assessment and support to patients who need regular monitoring of leg ulcers. This is supported by the GPs in conjunction with Secondary care and the District Nursing team.

Well Person Checks      

Well Person Checks (including blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar checks)

The Health Care Assistants offer a full health check. This is offered to all patients who register at the practice and is available to anyone who feels they may benefit from the service. The nursing team can advise and support all aspects of health promotion and health care. If they cannot provide a particular service they can usually suggest where to go to get appropriate advice and/or treatment

NHS Health Checks

A free health check is available to patients aged between 40 and 74, every five years. You will be invited in the year when you qualify, and you will then be given more information about the check and how to book an appointment.

The Health Check will assess your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, kidney disease or diabetes. If there are any warning signs, we will work with you to help make necessary lifestyle changes.

The check will take about 20 minutes and is based on straightforward questions and measurements. There will be a simple blood test to assess your cholesterol level. Following the check, and during your appointment you will be provided with your results and receive advice about what you can do to stay healthy and how to manage any health issues identified.

Flu Vaccinations

Please CLICK HERE for information regarding the flu vaccination programme for 2023 / 2024.

You can book your flu appointment if you are;

Anyone aged 6 months-64 years with a long term chronic health condition

All adults aged 65 years and over

Frontline health and Social care workers

All children aged 2 and 3 on 31st August 2023

All children in school years reception to year 11 will be offered their vaccinate at school.  Unfortunately, we are unable to vaccinate the vast majority of school age children who need to be vaccinated at school.

Anyone living with an immunocompromised person


Pregnant women 


Pneumococcal Vaccinations      

All those aged 65 years and over OR those who suffer from a chronic illness (e.g. diabetes, asthma, respiratory disease, heart disease, kidney disease) are entitled to a Pneumococcal vaccination.

This is a ONCE ONLY vaccination that can protect you from a number of different strains of pneumococcal infection. This includes those bacteria that can cause pneumonia, meningitis and ear infections.

You may book an appointment with a Healthcare Assistant to receive this vaccination. There will also be some vaccinations available during the flu clinics.

Shingles Vaccination     

From 1 September 2023, the vaccine programme is being offered to healthy people turning 65 or 70 years on, or after, that date. The programme targets specific age groups each year. Vaccination is only available to patients whose birth date falls in a particular range.

If you have a severely weakened immune system and are over 50, you are eligible.  For more information please speak to reception.

Please visit the government website for further information on eligibility.

Smoking Cessation

All our Healthcare Assistants and nurses are smoking cessation advisers, and they can support you during your attempt to stop smoking. 

They are able to advise on appropriate forms of nicotine replacement therapies, including the use of patches, gum and other items. This is then available from the practice.

Click here to read more about smoking.

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