Teenage Health


We hope we are as friendly as possible to young people. We realise that the practice can often seem a difficult place to deal with but we are here to help. Conversations that you have with us are confidential, which means we do not discuss them with other people.

You do NOT have to tell the Receptionist why you need to see the doctor.

If you need to fit in around school times then we will do our best. If you think you need emergency contraception (the "morning after" pill), you can simply contact the surgery and ask to speak to the duty doctor, who will ring you back. You DON'T have to explain why to the receptionist. If it is a weekend, contact your local pharmacy as some pharmacies also provide this service.

We are a C Card outlet - this means that if you are aged 24 or below you are entitled to free condoms/sexual protective aids. You can collect these here from the surgery.


School nurses are still available as always for sexual health advice.  If you do not have you school nurse's telephone number call the School Nurse office on 01225 831666 between 9am - 4pm

Your Doctor's Surgery remains open to provide contraception, including emergency contraception.

Pharmacies are also open but providing a restricted service.  Visit BSWICB to see the latest pharmacy opening times.  Remember to phone ahead of your visit.


HPV Vaccination              

For more information on HPV vaccine please get in touch with one of the Practice Nurses at the Surgery.

Chlamydia Testing                                                                              

Chlamydia is the most commonly diagnosed sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the UK. It is most common in men and women under 25. Chlamydia is easily passed from one person to another through ANY form of unprotected sex. If left untreated chlamydia can cause pain in the pelvis, infertility and eptopic pregnancy. This risk is increased if you get the infection again & again.

The chlamydia test is free, simple, completely confidential and optional.  If you would like more information about getting tested please book an appointment with either a Doctor or Practice Nurse. 


www.safebanes.com is a website for young people living in Bath and North East Somerset.  On the website you can find information and advice on: free condoms (CCard), contraception, emergency contraception, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), pregnancy, sexual & gender identity, relationships and sexual abuse.

You can also find all the sexual health and relationship services that you can access across Bath and North East Somerset and those closest to you.

SAFE stands for Sexual Health Advice for Everyone and is a quality standard offered to all organisations who provide sexual health advice and information to young people aged 13 to 24. 

Any service showing the SAFE logo shows that services are young person friendly. 

Other Useful Contacts for Young People:

Information about HIV/AIDS and sexual health


Information about STIs (including HIV), contraception and emergency contraception
Brook Advisory for sexual health and pregnancy advice 


Off The Record Bristol for counselling and support 

Talk to Frank for drug advice

ABC for eating disorders

Young Minds for mental health

Lifesigns for self injury

The Riverside Clinic, James St West, Bath (01225) 826855
Keynsham Clinic, St Clements Road, Keynsham (01225) 826855 or (0117) 9461059


Is available over the summer months for all young people aged 11 - 18 in BaNES with free, safe and anonymous wellbeing support and advice.  Accessible from any internet enabled device, Kooth is available everyday.