Useful Organisations & Information

National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 National Domestic Violence website

NSPCC helpline: 0808 800 5000 

Childline: 0800 1111

Mind: Mind website

YoungMinds: Young Minds website

ICON: Babies cry, you can cope: ICON website

Playlists for Life: A music and dementia charity: Playlists for Life website


Sexual and Reproductive health support 

Riverside Clinic - if you have any symptoms or need to see someone about a sexual health issue, call 01225 826855 9am - 1pm Monday - Friday


The Bridge - offers medial care, emotional and psychological support and practical help to anyone who has been raped or sexually assaulted.  They can be contacted confidentially on 0117 342 6999 or visit for more information.

BEMS Services - Work across the community to improve patient care by providing high quality community based clinical services,  please use the link for more information

Cancer Support

Macmillan Cancer Support - Helpline contact number 0808 808 00 00

Look Good Feel Better - This is a national cancer charity. They run free workshops both virtually and at Cancer Care Centres and hospitals across the UK to support women, men and young adults through this time. Help them manage things like hair loss and physical changes to the skin. 

Telephone Number - 01372 747500

Email -